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TZApetrochemical process centrifugal pump
TZApetrochemical process centrifugal pump
T Code of enterprise
ZA Foot support
25 The outlet dia is 25mm
200 Nominal dia of impeller is 200mm

一、Product Introduction:

TZA/ZE petroleum chemical process centrifugal pump is designed and produced per API 682 and VDMA24297. The pump body of TZA series is supported by feet, center support for TZA series. The impeller is radial and type of single suction, which is axial suction and radial discharge. Hydraulic equilibrium is used on front choma, back choma and balance pipe per operating conditions. Stuffing box has cooling or heating union joints. Shaft seal is sealed with stuffing, also can use single or double mechanical seal. Equipped with cooling and flushing or sealing fluid system.
1.TZA/ZE chemical process pump is application of standard pipe design per API standard. There are 3 types of impeller, closed, half-open and open. Clean media, media with particles, media with a little bit of gas, media with high temperature, media with low temperature or strong corrosive media all can be conveyed by TZA/ZE series pump. The impeller with balance pipe and anti-corrosion ring can balance axial force.
2.The pump body and bearing frame are connected by middle connecting section that can be used different material to avoid corrosion of bearing and bearing frame when conveying strong corrosive media per working conditions. At the same time, the middle connecting section is equipped with hydrocooling channel that connecting circulation cooling water, stopping high temperature media and transferring high temperature to bearings.
3.There are various sealing ways, like stuffing seal, single mechanical seal, double mechanical seal and container type single mechanical seal. The way of sealing can be selected according to API682 design standard, working conditions and clients’ requests of cooling and washing.
4.The bearing frame is designed to three types of air cooling fin, air cooling fan and hydrocooling channel, customers can decide on working conditions. The oil in the fuel tank is cooled by water in hydrocooling channel, the heat on the bearing taken away by water, which ensures bearing keep in working condition at any time.
Application: Be capable of conveying any temperature and concentration of organic or inorganic acid solutions like sulfuric acid, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, phosphoric acid, etc.; salt solutions; alkaline solutions like sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, etc.; liquid petroleum chemical products; organic compounds and other corrosive liquids. This series pumps are usually applied to oil refineries, petrochemical industry, coal processing, cryogenic engineering, paper industry, sugar industry, water supply plant, desalination plants, power plants, environmental engineering and ships, etc. The direction of pump rotation is clockwise if looking from the motor end.
Performance range: Diamenson:25~400mm, flow: 5.5~2600m3/h, head: 16~250m
Working pressure: 2.5MPa(TZA),5.0 MPa(TZA), Working temperature:-80℃~ +120℃(TZA),-80℃~ +450℃(TZA

二、Structure drawing:

Part Material Part Material Part Material
102 pump body 330 bearing bracket 320 rolling bearing
922 impeller nut 433 seal 921 round nut
512 choma of pump body 471 gland 211 pump shaft
230.01 choma of impeller nut 524 shaft sleeve 183 stand bar
230 impeller 507.01 dust-free plate 644 oil slinger
161.01 choma of impeller cover 360 bearing gland 638.01 oil window
230.02 impeller choma 922.01 lifting ring 915 snap ring
161 pump cover 672 oil and gas separator 320.01 rolling bearing
400.01 gasket 638 oil cup    

三、Performance data sheet:

Type Impeller
Flow Head Efficiency Bearing frame NPSH Speed proportion=1.00 proportion=1.35 proportion=1.84
Q H η LK n Type
m3/h m % m r/min kw kw kw
TZA25-200 A 11.5 49 42 0 1.5 2900 5.5 7.5 11
5.8 12 38 0.6 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
B 10.5 42 42 1.5 2900 4 5.5 7.5
5.4 11 38 0.6 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
C 9 36 42 1.5 2900 3 4 5.5
4.6 8.5 38 0.6 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
D 7.5 28 42 1.5 2900 2.2 3 4
4 6.5 38 0.6 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
E 5.5 16 42 1.5 2900 1.5 1.5 2.2
3 4 38 0.6 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
TZA25-250 A 10.5 80 28 2 1.2 2900 11 15 18.5
7.5 18 23 1 1 1450 2.2 3 4
B 9.7 68 28 2 1.2 2900 7.5 11 15
7 16 23 1 1 1450 2.2 3 4
C 9 50 28 2 1.2 2900 5.5 11 15
6.5 11.5 23 1 1 1450 2.2 2.2 3
D 8.5 30 28 2 1.2 2900 5.5 11 15
6 6.5 23 1 1 1450 1.1 1.5 2.2
TZA25-315 A 18.5 130 28 2 1.2 2900 30 45 55
9.5 32 25 0.7 1450 5.5 7.5 11
B 17.5 115 28 1.2 2900 30 37 45
8.7 29 25 0.7 1450 4 5.5 7.5
C 16 100 28 1.2 2900 22 30 45
7.5 25 25 0.7 1450 3 4 5.5
D 14 90 28 1.2 2900 18.5 30 37
7 22 25 0.7 1450 3 4 5.5
E 13 80 28 1.2 2900 18.5 22 30
6.8 20 25 0.7 1450 3 4 5.5
F 11.5 67 28 1.2 2900 15 18.5 30
6 16 25 0.7 1450 2.2 3 4
TZA40-160 A 28 33 62 2 3 2900 5.5 7.5 11
14 8 59 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
B 25.6 29 62 2 3 2900 5.5 7.5 11
13 7 59 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
C 22 22 62 2 3 2900 4 5.5 5.5
11 5.5 59 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
D 20 16 62 2 3 2900 2.2 3 4
9.5 4.5 59 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
TZA40-200 A 29 53 58 1 2.2 2900 11 15 18.5
14.5 13 55 1 0.8 1450 1.5 2.2 3
B 26 47 58 1 2.2 2900 7.5 11 15
13 11.5 55 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.5 3
C 22 39 58 1 2.2 2900 5.5 7.5 11
11.5 9 55 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
D 18 20 58 1 2.2 2900 4 5.5 7.5
9.5 7 55 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
TZA40-250 A 32 78 53 1 2.5 2900 18.5 22 30
16 19.5 49.5 1 0.8 1450 3 4 5.5
B 30 72 53 1 2.5 2900 15 18.5 30
15 18 49.5 1 0.8 1450 2.2 3 4
C 24 60 53 1 2.5 2900 11 15 18.5
12.5 14 49.5 1 0.8 1450 1.5 2.2 3
D 21 47 53 1 2.5 2900 7.5 11 15
10.5 10 49.5 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.5 2.2
TZA40-315 A 42 115 46 2 1.3 2900 37 45 75
21 29 42 2 0.5 1450 5.5 7.5 11
B 40 107 46 2 1.3 2900 30 45 55
20 26.5 42 2 0.5 1450 5.5 7.5 11
C 34 81 46 2 1.3 2900 22 30 45
17.5 20 42 2 0.5 1450 4 5.5 7.5
D 29 61 46 2 1.3 2900 15 22 30
15 15 42 2 0.5 1450 3 3 5.5
TZA50-160 A 50 34 71 2 2.4 2900 11 15 15
25 8.4 69 1 0.8 1450 1.5 2.2 2.2
B 45 29 71 2 2.4 2900 7.5 11 15
22.5 7 69 1 0.8 1450 1.5 1.5 2.2
C 38 22 71 2 2.4 2900 5.5 7.5 11
19 5.5 69 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
D 31 17 71 2 2.4 2900 3 4 5.5
16.5 4 69 1 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.1
TZA50-200 A 62 52 68 2 2.6 2900 18.5 22 30
31 13 65.5 1 0.7 1450 3 3 4
B 56 46 68 2 2.6 2900 15 18.5 22
28.5 11.5 65.5 1 0.7 1450 2.2 3 4
C 49 37 68 2 2.6 2900 11 15 18.5
25 9 65.5 1 0.7 1450 1.5 2.2 3
D 43 28 68 2 2.6 2900 7.5 11 15
22 7 65.5 1 0.7 1450 1.1 1.5 2.2
TZA50-250 A 70 82 65 2 2.4 2900 30 37 55
35 20 62.5 2 0.7 1450 4 5.5 7.5
B 66 75 65 2 2.4 2900 30 37 45
33 18.5 62.5 2 0.7 1450 4 5.5 7.5
C 60 60 65 2 2.4 2900 22 30 37
30 15 62.5 2 0.7 1450 3 4 5.5
D 50 45 65 2 2.4 2900 15 18.5 22
26 11 62.5 2 0.7 1450 2.2 3 3
TZA50-315 A 87 115 56 3 2.1 2900 55 75 110
44 28 53 2 0.5 1450 11 11 15
B 80 100 56 3 2.1 2900 45 75 90
40 24 53 2 0.5 1450 7.5 11 15
C 70 78 56 3 2.1 2900 30 45 55
35 19 53 2 0.5 1450 5.5 7.5 11
D 57 57 56 3 2.1 2900 22 30 37
30 14 53 2 0.5 1450 3 4 5.5
TZA50-400 A 82 194 48 3 2 2900 110 160  
41 48 45 2 0.5 1450 15 22 30
B 78 175 48 3 2 2900 90 132 160
39 43 45 2 0.5 1450 15 18.5 22
C 70 140 48 3 2 2900 75 90 132
35 34 45 2 0.5 1450 11 15 18.5
D 60 102 48 3 2 2900 45 75 90
30 25 45 2 0.5 1450 7.5 11 15
TZA80-160 A 94 32 78 2 3 2900 15 18.5 30
47 8 76 2 0.8 1450 2.2 3 4
B 85 28 78 2 3 2900 11 15 18.5
42 7 76 2 0.8 1450 2.2 2.2 3
C 76 23 78 2 3 2900 11 11 15
38 5.5 76 2 0.8 1450 1.5 2.2 2.2
D 66 17 78 2 3 2900 5.5 7.5 11
34 4 76 2 0.8 1450 1.1 1.1 1.5
TZA80-200 A 103 54 76 1 3.2 2900 30 37  
51 13.5 74 4 0.8 1450 4 5.5 7.5
B 95 48 76 1 3.2 2900 22 30 37
47 12 74 4 0.8 1450 3 4 5.5
C 84 38 76 1 3.2 2900 15 22 30
41 9.5 74 4 0.8 1450 2.2 3 4
D 70 30 76 1 3.2 2900 11 15 22
36 7.5 74 4 0.8 1450 1.5 2.2 3
TZA80-250 A 127 82 74 2 3.5 2900 45 75 90
64 20 74 2 1.4 1450 7.5 11 15
B 120 76 74 2 3.5 2900 45 55 75
60 19 74 2 1.4 1450 7.5 7.5 11
C 105 59 74 2 3.5 2900 30 45 55
52 14.5 74 2 1.4 1450 4 5.5 7.5
D 87 45 74 2 3.5 2900 22 30 37
46 11 74 2 1.4 1450 3 4 5.5
TZA80-315 A 141 127 69 2 4 2900 90    
70 33 69 2 1 1450 15 18.5 22
B 135 121 69 2 4 2900 75    
66 30 69 2 1 1450 11 15 22
C 115 97 69 2 4 2900 55 75  
56 24 69 2 1 1450 11 11 15
D 90 74 69 2 4 2900 37 45 75
45 18 69 2 1 1450 5.5 7.5 11
TZA80-400 A 171 187 61 3 3.5 2900 160    
85 46 61 2 0.8 1450 22 30 45
B 159 170 61 3 3.5 2900 160    
80 42 61 2 0.8 1450 18.5 30 37
C 135 130 61 3 3.5 2900 90 132  
65 33 61 2 0.8 1450 15 18.5 30
D 116 95 61 3 3.5 2900 75 90 132
53 25 61 2 0.8 1450 11 15 18.5
TZA100-160 A 162 29 81 2 4.7 2900 22 30 37
81 7.2 81 2 1.4 1450 3 4 5.5
B 150 24 81 2 4.7 2900 15 22 30
73 6 81 2 1.4 1450 2.2 3 4
C 130 17 81 2 4.7 2900 11 15 18.5
63 4.3 81 2 1.4 1450 1.5 2.2 3
D 110 12 81 2 4.7 2900 7.5 11 15
55 3 81 2 1.4 1450 1.1 1.5 2.2
TZA100-200 A 193 50 81 2 3.7 2900 45 55 75
95 12.5 81 2 1 1450 5.5 7.5 11
B 180 44 81 2 3.7 2900 37 45 75
90 10.5 81 2 1 1450 5.5 7.5 11
C 155 35 81 2 3.7 2900 30 37 45
80 8.5 81 2 1 1450 4 5.5 7.5
D 135 26 81 2 3.7 2900 18.5 30 37
70 6 81 2 1 1450 3 3 4
TZA100-250 A 230 79 81 2 4 2900 75 90  
115 20 81 2 1 1450 11 15 18.5
B 218 73 81 2 4 2900 75 90  
110 18 81 2 1 1450 11 11 15
C 190 58 81 2 4 2900 45 75 90
100 14 81 2 1 1450 7.5 11 11
D 170 44 81 2 4 2900 37 45 75
90 40 81 2 1 1450 5.5 7.5 7.5
TZA100-315 A 250 126 78 2 5 2900 132    
125 31 78 2 1.4 1450 18.5 30 37
B 240 120 78 2 5 2900 132 160  
119 29 78 2 1.4 1450 18.5 22 30
C 203 97 78 2 5 2900 90 132 160
104 24 78 2 1.4 1450 15 18.5 22
D 170 71 78 2 5 2900 75 75 110
86 17.5 78 2 1.4 1450 11 11 15
TZA100-400 A 300 194 74.5 3 6.4 2900      
150 48 1.7 1450 37 45 75
B 290 180 6.4 2900      
145 44 1.7 1450 30 45 55
C 260 145 6.4 2900      
130 36 1.7 1450 22 30 45
D 224 105 6.4 2900 110 160  
115 26 1.7 1450 15 22 30
TZA100-500 A 180 75   3 1.5 1450 75 90 110
B 167 68 55 75 110
C 142 53 37 55 75
D 120 42 30 37 55
TZA150-200 A 320 44 83.5 2 6.4 2900 55 75  
160 11 83.5 2 1.7 1450 7.5 11 15
B 300 39 83.5 2 6.4 2900 45 75 90
152 9.5 83.5 2 1.7 1450 7.5 11 15
C 265 30 83.5 2 6.4 2900 37 45 75
140 7 83.5 2 1.7 1450 5.5 7.5 11
D 220 23 83.5 2 6.4 2900 22 30 45
123 5 83.5 2 1.7 1450 3 4 5.5
TZA150-250 A 390 74 82 3 6 2900 110 160  
195 18.5 82 2 1.4 1450 15 22 30
B 355 62 82 3 6 2900 90 110 160
180 6 82 2 1.4 1450 15 18.5 22
C 325 46 82 3 6 2900 75 90 110
160 11.5 82 2 1.4 1450 11 11 15
TZA150-315 A 442 125 82.5 3 7 2900      
220 32.5 81 3 1.7 1450 30 45 55
B 430 120 82.5 3 7 2900      
210 30 81 3 1.7 1450 30 37 55
C 372 94 82.5 3 7 2900 160    
180 24 81 3 1.7 1450 22 30 37
D 310 68 82.5 3 7 2900 90 132 160
150 17 81 3 1.7 1450 15 18.5 22
TZA150-400 A 520 205 78.5 4 7 2900      
260 51 77 3 1.8 1450 55 75 110
B 498 190 78.5 4 7 2900      
250 48 77 3 1.8 1450 55 75 90
C 453 151 78.5 4 7 2900      
225 38 77 3 1.8 1450 37 55 75
D 400 113 78.5 4 7 2900      
200 28 77 3 1.8 1450 30 37 55
TZA150-500 A 300 77 74 3 2 1450 110 132  
B 283 72 74 3 2 1450 90 132 160
C 233 59 74 3 2 1450 75 90 110
D 208 45 74 3 2 1450 45 75 75
TZA150-560 A 335 104 74.5 4 2.4 1450 160    
B 315 97 74.5 4 2.4 1450 132    
C 260 80 74.5 4 2.4 1450 90 132 160
D 216 60 74.5 4 2.4 1450 75 90 110
TZA150-630 A 360 115 63 4 2.4 1450      
B 338 105.5      
C 274 82 132 160  
D 220 60 75 110 160
TZA200-250 A 610 72 84.5 3 9 2900 160    
305 17.5 83.5 3 2.4 1450 22 30 45
B 580 65 84.5 3 9 2900 160    
290 16 83.5 3 2.4 1450 18.5 30 37
C 520 47 84.5 3 9 2900 110 132 160
260 12 83.5 3 2.4 1450 15 18.5 30
D 470 32 84.5 3 9 2900 75 90 110
240 8 83.5 3 2.4 1450 11 15 15
TZA200-315 A 710 122 85.5 4 8.6 2900      
350 30 84.5 3 2 1450 45 55 75
B 680 114 85.5 4 8.6 2900      
340 29 84.5 3 2 1450 37 55 75
C 600 87 85.5 4 8.6 2900      
300 22 84.5 3 2 1450 30 37 55
D 480 65 85.5 4 8.6 2900 132    
250 15 84.5 3 2 1450 18.5 22 30
TZA200-400 A 850 203 82 5 13 2900      
426 50 81 3 3.5 1450 90 110 160
B 830 150 82 5 13 2900      
410 47 81 3 3.5 1450 75 110 132
C 750 145 82 5 13 2900      
370 36.5 81 3 3.5 1450 55 75 110
D 670 106 82 5 13 2900      
332 27 81 3 3.5 1450 45 55 75
TZA200-500 A 495 84 81 4 2.9 1450      
B 470 79 160    
C 400 63 110 160  
D 330 48 75 90 132
TZA200-560 A 540 105 79.5 5 3 1450      
B 510 98      
C 460 81 160    
D 350 62 110 132  
TZA200-630 A 580 132 77.5 5 3.5 1450      
B 550 125      
C 468 100      
D 372 75 132    
TZA250-315 A 545 27 86.5 3 2.9 1450 55 75 110
B 528 25 55 75 90
C 480 19 37 55 75
D 434 13 30 37 45
TZA250-400 A 660 49 87.5 5 3.2 1450 132 160  
B 630 46 110 160  
C 565 36 75 110 160
D 500 24 55 75 90
TZA250-500 A 800 82 83 5 5 1450      
B 770 76      
C 700 58 160    
D 630 42 110 160  
TZA250-560 A 860 106 82 5 4.2 1450      
B 830 98      
C 760 78      
D 665 57 160    
TZA250-630 A 855 128 80.5 6 4.2 1450      
B 816 119      
C 720 96      
D 625 71      
TZA300-400 A 1050 48 87 4 5.8 1450      
B 1010 45 160    
C 900 34 132 160 160
D 780 26 90 132  
TZA300-500 A 1240 78 88 5 5.8 1450      
B 1170 75      
C 1015 57      
D 870 42 160    
TZA300-560 A 1340 104 87 6 5.2 1450      
B 1280 9      
C 1140 77      
D 950 56      
TZA300-630 A 1450 132 85 6 5.5 1450      
B 1375 125      
C 1170 100      
D 950 75      
TZA400-500 A 1870 74 88 6 6.3 1450      
B 1800 70      
C 1520 52      
D 1300 38      
TZA400-560 A 2040 98 88 6 7.5 1450      
B 1950 91      
C 1760 74      
D 1500 54      
TZA400-630 A 2390 125 88 7 8.3 1450      
B 2280 117      
C 1960 95      
D 1610 70      


